Vue sur l'open space depuis l'espace restauration The news: it's life at KMØ! Published on 21/02/2023 First inhabitants settled in KMØ! Building 23 is officially finished, and some offices are already occupied. Some unpublished photos below ! Digital Line training The students of the Digital Line have their classrooms at KMØ.…
The news: it's life at KMØ! Published on 21/02/2023 The Machine Room welcomes its first inhabitants Some of KMØ's inhabitants are now installed in the extension of the great event hall : the Salle des Machines. Hubshare in its new, more spacious and bright workspace. Innovative companies…
The news: it's life at KMØ! Published on 21/02/2023 Fire training for KMØ residents The organization FI2S Formation Incendie Santé Sécurité delivered yesterday afternoon a training course to KMØ's tenant companies. Two representatives from each company participated. Residents…
The news: it's life at KMØ! Published on 21/02/2023 KMØ sports break: residents take up soccer Several employees of the companies Clemessy, JMH Conception, proALPHA, KonexUp and Le Village by CA Alsace Vosges responded to the invitation of a resident of KMØ. The proposal was simple and…
The news: it's life at KMØ! Published on 21/02/2023 First aid training for residents On December 17 and 18, the inhabitants of KMØ followed an SST training, delivered by FI2S. Two days to learn everything about first aid, with several scenarios : a useful prevention action for…
The news: it's life at KMØ! Published on 16/01/2023 Visit to Montreal, an inspiring smart city for KMØ Jean Rottner, mayor of Mulhouse, calls his city the " city of intelligence ". A symbol announcing a new project of which the KMØ will be a part. April 8, 2016 : a Mulhouse-Montreal…