N’Eco, the project of two students from Mulhouse, born from a collaboration between the Mulhouse industry and digital ecosystem KMØ and IBM, has been selected as one of the finalists of the global challenge ” Call for Code 2020 “.

” Call for Code – European Top 4 for a Mulhouse application called N Eco
Two KMØ interns on the Fonderie campus, Solène Moins and Fatima Zahra Abboud, both students in the Miage degree program (Computer Methods Applied to Business Management) at the University of Haute-Alsace, have taken part in the global Call for Code challenge, led by the IBM group.
This project, which focuses on climate change on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, consisted in responding to the innovation and development of a digital solution for the fight against
against global warming or the Covid-19.
Thanks to the creation of their innovative application, N’Eco, they have put their project in the top 4 solutions in Europe, in the top 16 worldwide and the only one in France among 210 000 other ideas.
The Mulhouse application called N’Eco is the result of a collaboration between the Mulhouse industry and digital ecosystem KMØ and IBM.
N’Eco : a 100% female team
It was in 2018 that the Linux Foundation, the United Nations, and IBM partnered with David Clark Cause, the creator of the Global competition called ” Call for Code ” to create this contest to distinguish the best digital solutions that will help fight global warming. For the two students, who benefited from the precious help of Fabienne Buhler from KMØ and Eric Roussillon from IBM, and who associated their classmate Melissa Luttenschlager for the design part, it was a question of ” find the right idea, produce a business plan, develop the solution, plan the promotion and deployment “and this over a period of
two months.
This team, which is 100% female, has designed the ” N’Eco ” solution, which is aimed at children aged 9 to 12 and which raises their awareness in a playful way of responsible actions in different countries, because, as they point out, ” water is not used in the same way in Indonesia as in France “.
Article written by Jean-Marie VALDER – October 20, 2020.