Support the Ligne Numérique and Ecole 42 Mulhouse Grand Est via the apprenticeship tax!

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Why not become a partner via the apprenticeship tax ?

Download the apprenticeship tax form

KMØ Campus by e-nov Campus offers two training courses eligible for the apprenticeship tax :

L’Ecole 42 : In October 2021, Ecole 42 will move to KMØ : 42 Mulhouse Grand Est is a free school that does not require a bachelor’s degree, without teachers, without courses and is considered one of the best coding schools in the world. 42 is now a truly global brand, with 34 campuses around the world. 42 Mulhouse Grand Est will train 150 developers per year, in a context of skills shortage that is becoming more acute every day as the digital transition accelerates. This school is supported, at its inception, by all local authorities (Grand Est Region, European Collectivity of Alsace, Mulhouse Alsace Agglomeration).


The Digital Line :
Since 2015, the Ligne Numérique is a training course for school dropouts and has been awarded the Grande Ecole du Numérique label.. C’is a completely free training for self-taught digital experts who left the educational system prematurely. In 2021, we launch the 7th class of 24 students. 1/3 of students start their own business, 1/3 go back to school and 1/3 find a job.

Because the future is written in the present, training is an essential axis at KMØ Campus. That’s why we build innovative trainings.

By agreeing to pay us a part of your apprenticeship tax, you contribute to the perpetuation of our two digital training courses.

You will allow, tomorrow, each young person to find his or her way and each company to find the skills that are essential to our local and regional economy.

You also participate in the influence of the KMØ ecosystem of which you become actors.

You are helping to develop talent that may one day join your teams.

Download the apprenticeship tax form

KMØ Campus by E-Nov Campus thanks you and hopes to count you among its contributors.



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